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Be Yourself
Cosmopolitan Brand



Get to Know Us

SEVEN as the number of the skies in the ancient times, as the Pleaid stars that shine in the night. SEVEN as the hills around Rome, as the Arab Emirates, as the wonders of the world.

SEVEN as the cardinal virtues as well as the deadly sins.

SEVEN as the main Archangels named in the Bible.

SEVEN, according to Buddhism, is the number that best expresses the whole. Beauty and symbolicity. Charm and mistery. Tradition and internationality.

All this is embodied by number seven. Exactly like in SONIA SEVEN, the new shoes & accessories top brand, whose main values are just the same evoked by the number encrypted in its name and its fouder Sonia Carapezzi.
But seven are also the main values that distinguish SONIA SEVEN creations as well as the creative and manufacturing process of the company.

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